30 septiembre 2011

Frutas deliciosas

First Graders have been learning two most important sentence starters "Me gustan....." (I like) and 'No me gustan" (I don't like), revisiting fruit vocabulary from Kindergarten to share which fruits they like. We've had fun discovering which fruits our classmates like and which ones they don't. Kids brought home a fun illustration of a fruit they like.... ask them to read the sentence at the bottom!

24 septiembre 2011

La migración de la mariposa monarca

Second Graders have been learning vocabulary centered on our theme of 'Mariposas' (Butterflies), working on full sentences including the all important word 'es' (is).... La mariposa es verde. (The butterfly is green), colors, and size words.... building simple full sentences is an early step in learning grammatical components of the language, albeit without the students knowing they are actually learning grammar. I am so proud of them!

We are also participating in Journey North's Symbolic Migration... an incredible program which mimics the real migration of the Monarch Butterflies to México. Check out their site to learn more!


We are tracking the monarchs as they migrate south, using Journey North's 'Peak Sightings' map... such a cool way to integrate Spanish, geography, and science!

18 septiembre 2011

Finally up and running!

After a few challenges, I have gotten our Spanish Class school blog up and running! This is a wonderful place for me to share what is going on in our classes.... I hope you enjoy it and please feel free to leave comments!

Kindergartners have started off the year with the obvious... ¡Hola! (Hello!) and ¡Adiós! (Good bye)... but we are also working on learning the Spanish names for classroom materials: el pego (glue), un lápiz (pencil), un borrador (eraser), un cráyon (crayon), and un cubo (a bin). I refer to these materials endlessly in class, so a natural place to start.

Señora V.